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tips on writing

I know that some people have a really have a hard time thinking of ideas to write. some people have a hard time using the right format or using other books to help such as a thesaurus or dictionary. this page will help solve all of your problems!


If you are looking for an online dictionary ,thesaurus, or encyclopedia go to

You also can use dictionaries for kids such as the webster dictionaries.

some topics you might want to write about

  • something fun you may have done
  • a pet
  • amusement parks
  • nature
  • books
  • animales
  • family
  • babies
  • school


types of poetry

  • Haiku- the haiku is a three lined Japanese poem about nature. This particular type of poetry has a limit on the amount of syllables you can have for each line. The first line always has five syllables. The second line has seven syllables. The third line has the same amount as the first line.
  •  Limerick- a limerick is humorous nonsense verse consisting of a triplet and couplet, making it a five line poem. Lines one, two, and five are the triplet and rhyme. Lines three and four form a rhyming couplet.
  • Acrostic- a poem where the first letter of each line spells a word that can be read vertically
  • Sonnet- a type of poetry with three four line stanzas followed by a two line stanza called a couplet that rhymes.
  • Cinquain- a type of poetry in which the first line has one word, the second has two words describing the first line, the third line shows
    action with three words, the fourth line has four words that convey
    feeling, and the fifth line refers to line one.
  • Ballad- a ballad is a story song that often has a refrain or chorus as in the example below.
  • Free Verse- poetry that is written material freed from paragraph form and has rhythm but no rhyme
  • Modes of Writing

    Creative Writing


    The primary purpose of creative writing is to entertain the reader.

    Descriptive Writing


    The primary purpose of descriptive writing is to describe a person, place, or event so that the topic can be clearly seen in the reader's mind. The writer must use vivid details that paint a picture for the reader.

    Expository Writing


    The primary purpose of expository writing is to provide information such as an explanation or directions.

    Narrative Writing


    The primary purpose of narrative writing is to describe an experience, event, or sequence of events in the form of a story.

    Persuasive Writing


    The primary purpose of persuasive writing is to give an opinion and try to influence the reader's way of thinking with supporting evidence.


    Insert descriptive text which supports the above header. Insert descriptive text which supports the above header.Insert descriptive text which supports the above header. Insert descriptive text which supports the above header.